Freight Logistics Q&A Update Amid COVID-19 - Part 1
The last few weeks have been extra trying for our clients to say the least and our goal has been to keep you up-to-date on the burning questions we have received for both US imports and CA imports. Today, we’d like to draw the focus onto our freight division with Operations Manager, Alex.
Q. Is commercial air cargo able to move out of China at the moment?
Due to the global demand of Personal Protective Equipment out of China this has put tremendous pressure on airline capacity. Its because of this that prices have sky rocketed and space is at a premium. Commercial cargo is able to fly out but its costly and space is limited. Our airfreight team is up to date hour to hour with this fluid situation and is able to assist with any needs you may have.
Q. Are ocean export containers from China still taking the same amount of time?
China has not yet resumed back to full capacity but terminals and CFS locations are operating normally . As of today there are some slight vessel sailing delays.
Q. How do I book a shipment?
The best way to book a shipment is to give us a call! We have a dedicated team of freight forwarders and a strong agency network. We pride ourselves on customer service and look forward to hearing from you.