Shipping Perishables By Air & Ocean Freight

Shipping Perishables By Air & Ocean Freight

Are you shipping perishables? It is a scary job which makes many people anxious. The risk of losing perishable goods in transit can translate to lost revenue, can tarnish the actual quality of your goods and can create angst among your customers. Advancing technologies have provided you with many different options to ship your perishable goods around the globe. Whether you are shipping perishables by air, shipping perishables by ocean or shipping perishables by ground, the trusted experts at PCB Freight Management can provide you with experienced logistics solutions.

How are Your Perishables Packaged?

Packaging is an important factor when shipping perishable goods. Packaging can be the difference between your perishables being top quality for your customers or having potential customers looking for alternatives. Choosing and testing the right type of packaging before shipping your perishable will protect you and your goods from spoil. If your goods are packaged properly, they will take up less space, reduce your liability, and most importantly, make you money. An experienced logistics provider can assess your current process and  optimize your packaging. A packaging provider can also offer prototypes and packaging alternatives tailored to you and your products. This can be accomplished by designing an effective packaging solution for all of your products.

Shipping Perishables By Air Freight

The next question you have to ask yourself is, what is the best mode of transportation for my perishables? With knowledge of your products this will be an easy step to determine what will be the best option for shipping your goods. If your main factor is time, than air freight is right for you. Air freight allows you to get your perishables in front of your customers the fastest. This ensures the quality of your food is high and the shelf life of your products is extended. Retailers will not have any problems selling your goods and your B2B relationship will grow and prosper. All perishable goods must be shipped to market quickly, which is why air freight is the most common mode of transportation for perishables. Air freight will be more expensive than other options. A cost benefit analysis will help you decide whether having your goods fresh for your customer with a long shelf life will pay off more than any other mode of transportation.

Shipping Perishables By Ocean Freight

If your perishable goods have a longer shelf life, ocean freight may be the best option for you. Using ocean freight to ship perishables is becoming more common thanks to improving technologies. This includes refrigerated containers with controlled atmospheres, suited to ship perishable goods overseas. Refrigerated containers have improved over the years, becoming more efficient and are therefore a realistic way for you to ship your perishables. This is where knowing your product is vital. If your perishables can wait, ocean freight will be the less expensive option. Couple this with better container technologies and ocean freight opens up more options to ship your freight at competitive rates.


Shipping Perishables | Air Freight Vs. Ocean Freight

While this is seen as an advancement in shipping perishables, ocean freight is still not risk free. As time is a main concern for fresh perishables, businesses are trending towards using air freight to ensure their high-quality goods are delivered fresh to their customers. It is very important you consider the shelf life of your product when choosing your shipping method. You also have to consider port congestion, which has added further complications to the decision whether you should use air freight or ocean freight. Because time is so important to shipping perishables, many are choosing air freight to mitigate the risk of spoilage.

By Your Side | The Experts At PCB Freight Management

Decisions must be made when deciding on what is the best way to ship your freight. They all have their costs and benefits. Air freight is the quickest yet most expensive option. Advancement in shipping containers makes ocean freight a possibility for perishables. No matter which mode of transportation you choose, the experts at PCB Freight Management can help. Our air freight, ocean freight and ground freight teams are always available to provide you with assistance on all of your shipping needs.

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PCB Group

PCB Customs Brokers, PCB Freight Management

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