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Everyone has a do it yourself disaster story. Most of them involve home renovations, and like most people, I have my fair share. They usually begin with getting a quote from a professional then deciding it's way too expensive and that I can easily do the project myself and save a few bucks in the process. So off I go to the home improvement store where I purchase the needed materials and some shiny new tools. After that, things generally start moving downhill at a fairly rapid pace and quickly descend into profanity laced, tool throwing debacles that leave me broken, bloody and standing in a pile of rubble that started out as expensive building material. It's right about then that I start wishing that I had hired a pro.
I see similar scenarios unfold every day as people try to save money on supply chain logistics. I've seen people spend two hours in a border lineup and two more hours flailing about at customs trying to classify their goods and complete an entry - all in an effort to save $75. I've seen people package their own fragile items or load their own container - only to have everything arrive at destination damaged. I've seen people try to coordinate their own international air freight shipment - only to have things delayed to the point that they don't arrive when needed and accrue high storage charges. Now I'm not much better at math than I am at carpentry, but that just doesn't add up.
10 Questions To Ask When Selecting A Customs Broker
As with everything, hiring a professional does come with a cost. However, if that cost buys you the peace of mind that your product will arrive in a timely manner and in one piece, is that not a price worth paying? So often, people fail to take into account the value of their own time as well as the costs incurred when things do go wrong. Not to mention the negative impact on their credibility and reputation in the marketplace caused by failure to perform.
The people that you employ to handle your international shipping needs are professionals with many years of training and experience. They have encountered and worked through every possible challenge. Letting them do what they do best, frees you up to run your business and do what you do best.
In the end, the decision as to whether to do it yourself or hire a professional rests solely with you. Just be sure to weigh all of the pros and cons and be sure to give careful consideration to factors like the value of your time and the intangible costs incurred when things do go wrong.
If you are looking for professionals to help with your next project, be sure to explore Pacific Customs Brokers' customized logistics solutions. To learn how we can help you, speak with one of our logistics specialists today.
6 Factors To Consider When Choosing A Customs Broker