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While summer may be the time to think about the lake or camping, as a highway carrier hauling goods into Canada you cannot afford to ignore the looming deadline for full compliance with ACI eManifest. We are only one day away from the July 10 implementation date and according to CBSA, 90% of those carriers who have a carrier code have filed at least one ACI. Pacific Highway reports that between 75% and 80% of the carriers clearing at this port are filing ACI. Carriers who have been arriving at the border without filing ACI, have been given the following notice.
Beginning July 10, 2015, the next phase of the ACI eManifest implementation timeline comes into effect. Carriers who do not comply with ACI eManifest requirements may be issued zero-rated penalties (non-monetary) under the CBSA's Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS).
While no financial penalty will be levied during this phase, a zero-rated AMPS penalty is technically a penalty and will serve as a warning to carriers to correct the issue that led to the infraction.
This period of zero-rated AMPS is to give the industry an opportunity to make the necessary corrections to procedures and preventative mechanisms to ensure reduced risk of exposure to AMPS penalties. The zero-rated AMPS period will last for six months, after which, full AMPS will apply, including monetary fines.
Update: CBSA intends to increase ACI compliance through a spectrum of intervention, ranging from client outreach via monitoring, client action plans, application of penalties and ultimately suspension of carrier codes in the most serious cases. The first six month zero penalty phase from July 10, 2015 to January 10, 2016 will concentrate on client outreach and monitoring of client progression.
Hefty AMPS Penalties For ACI eManifest Non-Compliance
So, before you head off to the cottage or hit the beach, ensure you are eManifest ready. Do not let the non-financial penalty give you a sense of false preparedness and affect your performance record with CBSA.
Carriers who have already registered can surely take some downtime. Despite your preparedness, this is no time to rest on your laurels, instead communicate with partner carriers to ensure they are also compliant.
Carriers who have not yet registered are advised to do so immediately and may contact Pacific Customs Brokers for help with this process. Border Pro for Carriers can take the hassle of getting registered off of your plate with our self and full service eManifest filing options.
Our ACI eManifest Seminars and Webinars are 90-minute sessions where we answer questions, offer practical solutions and help with the ACI eManifest regulations in effect.
Presented by Jan Brock, recently retired Chief of Operations with Canada Border Services Agency for the Pacific Highway and Abbotsford Huntingdon Commercial Operations. Jan is now a Senior Trade Advisor with Pacific Customs Brokers (CAN). For details and to register »
If you have any questions about ACI eManifest, please do not hesitate to contact our Carrier Relations Liaison at 855.542.6644 or via email at carrierhelpdesk@pcb.ca.
5 Frequently Asked Questions About ACI eManifest | Part 3